Wednesday, June 4, 2014

You're a Man, Defend Yourself!

In lieu of the now infamous video of Solange, Jay-Z and Beyonce I asked my Facebook friends the following question: What do you teach your son(s) in reference to defending himself from girls? Do you teach your son(s) ‘boys don’t hit girls’? If you believe that, do you also believe its okay for a girl to hit a boy and expect him to not retaliate? Here is what some who commented had to say.

"It's never ok for a man to hit a woman. But he definitely can protect himself from the relentless attack lol. Gotta look at it like this if he hits the woman he's an abuser with jail time possibly, if he doesn't he's a punk! With that being said I would rather my son know he's not supposed to hit women than to mess up his future. (I know I kind of went on a tangent) lol." Kenny Warren

"I say don't hit your sister, but if an outsider hits you tag the chick! We NEVER encourage violence; however, you may have to show you ain't NO punk!" Shonda Ridley

"I have always told my sons that you are stronger.... Just try to restrain her. Not a choke hold but grab her arms and hold her down. Hold her until she calms down or until I can get there and calm her down.... Lol." Kim Copeland

"The topic has come up alot with my oldest son. I told him a male in most cases you are the stronger of the two so show it enough to protect yourself and show her it would not be wise to continue. Self control is huge so that's where i started the discussion and ended it…I tell my sons and my daughter anything you hit will have a reaction. At first i used to tell my oldest don't hit your sister boys don't hit girls so whenever he did something she didn't like she would hit him knowing he couldn't hit back. Well after long he grew tired of not fighting back and popped her silly both had learned their lesson through my error." Jake Beasley

This is something that I’ve often wondered about. If I were to ever have children what are some of the core values that I would try to instill in them to ensure that they carried those values with them in their hearts throughout their lives. Society has a double standard when it comes to a lot of things. Most of the time women are the ones left with the short end of the stick. When it comes to domestic violence, men are almost never taken seriously. They are viewed are the dominate species who is supposed to have more self-control, better decision making skills and of course more physically powerful. So when a man is physically or even emotionally abused no one usually bats an eye. He is supposed to be the defender, protector and provider. Surely he can defend himself against a woman. What if he was taught not to defend himself-under any circumstance against a woman who is supposed to be his weaker counterpart? It starts on the playground. We teach our boys not to hit girls and to extend girls the courtesy of always going first. The matter of chivalry is a lesson taught before boys enter elementary school. What if I told you that not all women deserve to be treated like ladies? What if I told you not all girls deserve chivalry to be extended to them? There are exceptions to every rule and allowing a woman to hit, spit and kick you, (especially when aimed at a man’s most vulnerable place) is where the line should be drawn. If and when I do ever have children, I hope they’ll carry the following with them throughout their lives.
  1. To my boy: I will teach him to (try) not to hit girls. But if she is constant in her attacks and trying to inflict bodily harm on him, first try to restrain her. If that doesn't work I hope he defends himself with a (reasonable) amount of force. Meaning not the same force he would use against another male, but enough so that she knows he SERIOUS.
  2. To my girl: As far as it goes for me teaching my daughter, I'll tell her if you hit a man expect to get hit BACK like one too.

Take a look at this video by Mankind's Violence is Violence campaign initiative. 

Violence is violence. Teach your kids to protect themselves.

I do not claim ownership of the above images.

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